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Climate-neutral website: Sustainability on the Internet

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. It is therefore all the more important that we protect our environment in the best possible way and conserve finite resources.

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Climate-neutral websites

This is how they are created!

When it comes to companies that manufacture and sell products, climate-neutral behavior seems much more tangible to outsiders - but we at atlantis dx, as a service company, also strive to protect our environment despite our work. We do this by focusing on climate-neutral websites and services for our customers. Creating such a website not only has a positive impact on the climate, but also offers added value for corporate websites in particular, giving them a unique selling point over the competition.

Grafik aus Linien: links 3 Server übereinander, rechts ein Browser mit stilisierten Inhalten, darüber eine Wolke mit Text CO2, im Hintergrund eine Sonne

Climate-neutral websites explained in brief

What many people don't know: The operation of a website actually produces CO₂ - due to the electricity consumption required for the amount of data. The servers and end devices of the users are largely responsible for this. At atlantis dx, we are committed to sustainability and switched to renewable energy sources for our servers and data centers several years ago. In this way, our websites do not represent a burden on the environment despite high traffic and are climate-neutral thanks to these positive effects.

In addition to all our products, this also applies, for example, to our work with TYPO3 as a content management system. A corporate website that we implement for you often has a lot of traffic and several extensions. Hosting with TYPO3 therefore requires a lot of power and therefore electricity. With this CMS and atlantis dx, you are on the safe side with your corporate website: TYPO3 guarantees an outstanding customer experience and also conserves our planet's resources thanks to the sustainable use of electricity. With TYPO3 as your CMS, you also host your website 100% climate-neutrally and create an ideal basis for an environmentally friendly web presence.

Added value of a climate-neutral corporate website

Grafik aus Linien: stilisierte Pflanze mit zwei großen Blättern

Climate-friendly websites are not only good for your conscience and the environment, but also for your company's image. After all, the corresponding seal of approval on the website has a positive effect on visitors and ensures greater trust and reliability. In addition, the status of a climate-neutral website or system landscape gives you a considerable competitive advantage over the competition. What's more, switching to a climate-neutral website is not a costly affair. Even small companies with a low budget can make an important contribution to climate protection by first calculating existing emissions at regular intervals and then gradually reducing them.

Get off to a climate-neutral start with atlantis dx!

Would you like to improve the carbon footprint of your website and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions? If so, you've come to the right place! We operate our services, servers and complete hosting in a 100% climate-neutral way, so that with us as a reliable partner at your side, you can protect the environment's resources and make a contribution to combating global warming.

Illustration: Frau sitzt an Schreibtisch mit Laptop und Pflanzen

A well-designed corporate website is essential for arousing the interest of your users. It should not only be beautifully designed, but also accurately reflect your company in terms of content, so that a uniform image is created for the viewer. In order to achieve this, we rely on targeted consulting as part of our web solutions - from the idea through to implementation and long-term hosting with TYPO3. We also implement complex data projects for you in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner, while e-commerce in terms of online stores is also one of our core competencies. We ensure the sustainable development of your digital projects according to your wishes in order to offer your customers an outstanding user experience.

Do you have any further questions about our services? We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you at any time.

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FAQ on the climate-neutral website

Climate-neutral websites are online presences whose electricity consumption from fossil fuels is either offset by recognized climate protection projects or powered exclusively by sustainable energy (such as solar power).

One of the most important points regarding the power consumption of websites is the storage space used by the site. On the other hand, the traffic, i.e. the monthly page views on the website, plays a role - in other words, how much the server is used.

If it is not possible to make your website more environmentally friendly and, for example, rely on a climate-neutral partner such as atlantis dx, you can offset your negative carbon footprint by getting involved in a climate project - regionally or internationally.

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