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25 years of atlantis media

On April 9, 2019, the time had come: atlantis media turned 25 years old!

And since the Port of Hamburg also celebrated its birthday just a few days later (and was only slightly older at 830 years), we took this as an opportunity for a great celebration of the atlantis media family on the water.

After the last big rain shower of the day, we set sail on board the excursion steamer "Großer Michel" and were able to watch the arrival parade with over 300 ships from all over the world at close range.

We spent the whole day cruising along the Elbe past old and new ships and were well catered for with delicious food and drinks.

To celebrate the day, even the "atlantis" and the sun made an appearance.

It was a great day and in the end everyone agreed: the next 25 years can come!