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Congratulations on passing your studies!

We would like to congratulate our working students Farina and Yannick on completing their studies at the FH Wedel! The atlantis dx team is very pleased to have them as a permanent part of the team since October.


Both have gained practical experience at atlantis dx during their studies. In a short interview, Farina reveals exactly what her student traineeship with us was like:

Why did you decide to study media informatics and how did you come across atlantis dx?

In the past, my interests were more in other areas. During my A-levels, however, I discovered computer science by chance. Not only did it fit well into my timetable as an elective subject, but many of my friends also took it. This is how I later became aware of the media informatics course. Looking back, I have to say it was a very good decision!
In the fourth semester of my studies, I looked for working student jobs in IT to get a first impression of what to expect after graduation. At the job fair at the FH Wedel, I got talking to Michael Märtin from atlantis dx and then applied to atlantis dx. I was hired shortly afterwards and have been working in the Web Solutions team ever since.

What was your working day like during your studies?

My working day as a student trainee was very flexible. I usually worked two days a week. The days and number of hours were not fixed. Individual arrangements were made depending on the time and workload during my studies. My tasks were very varied, from small CSS adjustments and creating my own content elements to working on large projects. Above all, this gave me a good overview of the opportunities and interesting fields of work in IT.

What has been your best moment at atlantis dx so far?

One of the best moments for me so far was the successful completion of a major project in which I played a key role.
Another great moment was when we went to Denmark with the team to spend a long weekend there. We had the opportunity to get to know each other outside of the office and had a lot of fun.

What did you do after your studies?

After my studies, I was taken on at atlantis dx and have been happy to continue being part of the Web Solutions team ever since.


Are you also interested in studying computer science and still looking for a suitable company where you can gain practical experience? Take a look at our job offers or contact us directly! We will be happy to support you and answer all your questions about studying.