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Cover page: Whitepaper on customer service

New white paper for the best customer service!

What do customers and prospects expect from your service? Quite simply, customer service is excellent when it creates a positive experience with every contact. Customers must feel that their concerns are immediately accepted, understood and taken care of - via the communication channel of their choice.


But how do you provide first-class customer service? It needs

  • An individual customer service concept,
  • comprehensive knowledge of the most important service channels,
  • an integrated solution comprising a CRM system and customer service software and
  • the active support of a specialized service provider.


In this white paper you will learn

  • why first-class customer service is a must,
  • what the most relevant channels for customer service are,
  • what your customers expect in terms of service and
  • which established CRM and service tools are available.

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To the entire whitepaper series