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Our new white paper: The path to the optimal digital experience

Basically, companies across all industries are in the same boat: they are required to transfer their business model completely or at least partially to the digital world. The transformation encompasses everything that makes companies unique:

  • their system landscape,
  • their data,
  • their tried-and-tested business processes and
  • their dealings with customers, interested parties, employees, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders.

In short, digitalization must not only take place along the entire process chain, but also across departmental and system boundaries.


Why it's all about the digital experience

Digitizing business processes for their own sake does not make sense. Instead, there needs to be a goal to which digitalization contributes. It often boils down to improving the digital experience. At a time when information about providers, products and services is just a mouse click away, companies are well advised to place (potential) customers at the center of their business thinking and actions - always with the aim of providing them with the best possible experience (customer experience). This applies to all channels, all touchpoints and every single moment of contact.


Digital Experience is our program

Since May 2021, digital experience has not only been part of our company name atlantis dx, it is actually part of our program. That's why we are dedicating an entire series of white papers to the digital experience. It starts with the publication "The path to the optimal digital experience: status quo and challenges of digitalization".


In this white paper, we have summarized

  • the current state of digitalization in Germany,
  • why digitalization is always individual,
  • why high-quality data is essential,
  • how to proceed with the practical implementation of measures,
  • which success factors influence digitalization and
  • how companies can recognize a suitable service provider.


To the PDF download

To the entire whitepaper series