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Six-part topic series: Drivers of digitalization - 1st driver: platform economy

The current coronavirus pandemic has revealed shortcomings in many areas. When it comes to digitalizing their processes, there is a need to catch up in many places - something that companies have (finally) recognized. This is why they will pursue digitalization initiatives with higher priority and greater seriousness than before. A key driver of digitalization is the platform economy. It is definitely time for modern business software to integrate seamlessly into existing system landscapes. After all, this is the fundamental prerequisite for setting up cloud-based eco-systems that are tailored to requirements. In order to put the idea of the platform economy into practice, software manufacturers must pursue a platform strategy and think in terms of holistic end-to-end processes instead of just mapping sub-processes - as is often the case at the moment. Ideally, the processes are supported by corresponding algorithms and AI-based components.

Next driver in the series: Customer Experience
Author: Dario Waechter