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Smart Datalytics #14 in March 2019: The legal side of data

Smart Datalytics #14 took place shortly after the start of spring in cooperation with Fieldfisher. Fieldfisher is an international commercial law firm with a particular focus on advising highly regulated, IP and technology-oriented companies. The keynote speech "Legal questions on smart data and AI: more and more data is being shared, AI decides - but who is responsible?" was held by Oliver Süme (lawyer and partner at Fieldfisher).

He provided a comprehensive overview of the current legal framework for applications relating to the use of data. However, particular attention was also paid to the challenges arising from the use of AI and machine learning, for example. There are still some unresolved issues here, which the European legislator is currently addressing, for example. The presentation showed that not only the technological topics are currently changing rapidly, but that the changes to the legal framework are also progressing very dynamically.

The keynote speech was followed by an interactive open space format. Here, not only were some of the legal issues discussed in more detail, but other topics relating to data and AI were also discussed, such as the question of how to ensure that the underlying data sets for machine learning algorithms meet the legal, ethical and content-related requirements of our society.

Our host Fieldfisher provided a very special setting for this event with a flying buffet and an outstanding view of the harbor and Elbphilharmonie concert hall.

The next Smart Datalytics will take place in August after the summer break.