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Smart Datalytics #15 in August 2019: Experiments@OTTO

After the summer break, Smart Datalytics brought together over 50 interested participants at collabor8 on the OTTO Campus on 15.08.2019.

Charlotte Grewe and Dr. Rene Gilster gave the keynote speech under the name Experiments@OTTO. In the presentation, the two used a current example of the checkout process to explain how they use A/B testing (aka experiments) as an integral part of data-driven product development and shed light on the following questions: How are experiments embedded in processes? Where is there potential beyond "winning variants" and "significant uplifts"? How can we make use of findings and methods from the behavioral sciences to design our further developments and measures in such a way that we generate added value and benefits for our customers?

Following the very exciting presentation, there were already lively discussions on the possibilities and, above all, the behavioral science background in A/B testing (as we learned, a rather unpopular term), which then continued in the interactive open space format.

Other Open Space topics, which were divided into 2 slots for those interested, included Predictice Analytics, DWH in the Cloud and Machine Learning.

Our host OTTO Jobs took care of the physical well-being and helped us to experience another successful event with many good conversations and nice contacts.

The next Smart Datalytics will take place in November.