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We are 100% CO₂-neutral!

The topic of sustainability is an integral part of our values, which we strive for every day and shape our day-to-day work. We are always keen to develop ourselves further in the area of climate protection and sustainability for people and the environment, to continuously analyze in detail, to adapt our actions and save consumption, as well as to compensate for all emissions that nevertheless arise in order to work in a climate-neutral manner.

Separating waste and switching to green electricity were a matter of course for us, but not enough. In 2020, we opted for a data-based optimization of our carbon footprint with klima.metrix, started analyzing our data in detail in order to classify our footprint and align our actions accordingly.

Based on our detailed analysis, we have already made many optimizations, but there are still emissions that we have not yet been able to avoid. We have decided to offset all emissions generated by our company from 2020 onwards with the help of the NGO atmosfair.
We will also fully offset all greenhouse gases generated in 2021 and thus support projects that are operated in accordance with the rules of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) enshrined in the Kyoto Protocol and also the "Gold Standard" established by international environmental organizations. Independent organizations approved by the United Nations monitor the actual CO₂ reduction of the projects. We are thus making a further contribution to our environment and people and have been certified for this by klima.metrix.

But we are not stopping there: in 2022, we will continue to analyze our emissions and expand our optimization measures.

You can find more information on sustainability and climate protection at atlantis dx here: