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White paper on the topic of e-commerce: Digital commerce

Hand on heart: How often do you shop online? Do you only store privately on the Internet or do you now also do so in a business context? According to recent studies, sales in digital B2C commerce are set to rise to an impressive 97.4 billion euros this year. In 2019, B2B e-commerce also generated sales of around 1.3 trillion euros - in Germany alone.

The potential is huge. That's why retailers - both B2C and B2B - are well advised to professionalize their e-commerce activities. This requires not only a stable technological foundation, but also functioning processes that are optimally adapted to the store's focus and its target group.

As an experienced IT service provider that has already accompanied many companies on their path to e-commerce, we have identified eleven success factors. In our new whitepaper Digital Commerce: The Top 11 Success Factors in E-Commerce, we reveal what these are and what exactly they are all about.

In this white paper, you will learn

  • how online retail is developing in B2B and B2C,
  • which success factors play a central role,
  • how you can optimize your online trade immediately and
  • why you should act now.

To the PDF download

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