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Collage aus Bildern zu KLimaprojekten von atlantis dx und Climate Partner

atlantis dx - climate-neutral company!

The topic of sustainability is close to our hearts and is a core value in our company. We have brought a new partner on board for the next stages of our sustainability strategy: ClimatePartner. We continue to rely on klima.metrix for automated analyses, but are now going even further and having our strategy and results verified by ClimatePartner. Offsetting is also carried out via ClimatePartner, where we have retroactively offset our emissions from 2021.

Climate-neutral company - this means that we have recorded our greenhouse gas emissions, are continuously reducing them and are offsetting the remaining emissions through the "emPOWERing Africa continent-wide" climate protection project for more green energy in Africa.

We are also working to reduce our ecological footprint and increase our company's commitment to climate protection.

Contact us to develop a climate-neutral website for your company!
