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Customer service makes brands shine

Advertorial by Dario Waechter

The customer is king. What has always been a maxim in service and customer care in the USA was not an aspect that would have been important to companies in this country not so long ago. But times are changing.

The unique selling point of industrial companies was their products, not their first-class interaction with customers and potential customers. A disruptive change has been set in motion here. Consumers have become accustomed to being able to access information about companies, products and solutions anytime and anywhere. In order to meet the heterogeneous requirements of their demanding target group(s), companies are required to get in touch with customers and interested parties via different channels.

Brand with charisma

This is the only way that manufacturing companies can succeed in making their brand shine at all points of contact. In times when products are often interchangeable, the customer experience (CX) is becoming a unique selling point. Customers expect excellent services, quick responses and unique experiences. With the right technological equipment and a competent consulting and implementation service provider at their side, companies can meet this requirement. By offering their customers an outstanding CX, they are not only one step ahead of the competition, but also turn their customers into loyal brand ambassadors.

Further information is available in the free white paper "Customer Experience" from atlantis dx.

Relevant digital touchpoints in B2B

There are many touchpoints. Industrial companies are therefore well advised to focus on a range of digital touchpoints in addition to the usual analog touchpoints, such as consultations in stores, at trade fairs or on the phone:

  • Corporate website
  • online shop
  • Support and customer portal
  • search engine
  • Online marketing measure
  • Social media platform
  • Download content
  • (Digital) press release
  • Messaging/Chat