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TYPO3 update: A costly affair?

TYPO3 - like any other CMS - is constantly being developed. This also includes regular updates that bring the versions up to date.

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Effect of TYPO3 updates

Due to the costs involved, many TYPO3 users weigh up how necessary an update is and whether the amount to be paid to the agency for the programming work is really worth it. One thing should be said in advance: if you put off the updates, the consequences can be much more costly than regular updates. First and foremost, the latter ensure that TYPO3 is regularly supplied with new functions and is compatible with the respective version. In addition, security updates guarantee protection against hackers and thus avoid financial losses. TYPO3 works with the PHP programming language, which also has several versions. As you will no longer be supplied with updates for an outdated version, your web host may deactivate your site for security reasons. As a result, neither you nor your customers will be able to access your website via the Internet.

Types of TYPO3 updates

TYPO3 releases different types of updates throughout the year. These are often minor updates and less frequently major updates. In order to differentiate between the two types, the respective updates are referred to as minor updates ("smaller") and major updates ("larger").

Minor updates

TYPO3 minor updates are released several times a year and only bring minor adjustments and improvements. Minor updates often close security gaps. You should therefore also stay on the ball with the less extensive updates. The costs correspond to the content of the updates and usually amount to a two to low three-digit sum.

Major updates

Major updates are much more extensive and therefore do not appear as regularly as minor updates. They are released annually or every two years and bring with them correspondingly larger changes. For example, the TYPO3 user interface may change. You can expect to pay up to a mid-four-figure sum for such an update. Major updates can be distinguished from minor updates by the TYPO3 version number, which consists of three groups of numbers. If the first number has already changed after the update, a major update has been carried out. If the change affects the second number, the current version has been updated by a minor update.

Costs of a TYPO3 update

The exact costs for TYPO3 updates cannot be generalized, as the respective individual cases differ in terms of the amount. In principle, major updates are always more expensive than minor updates - this is due to the scope and the associated data volume of the former alone. The time required for TYPO3 updates can be summarized as follows:

  • Installation of minor updates and patches: one to two hours
  • Installation of a major update: from around 20 hours

Why you should not do without TYPO3 updates!

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TYPO3 updates may take some time, but the effect of major updates in particular is all the more impressive. You can expect many new functions as well as improved performance, while all technical components are brought up to date. However, if you skimp on updates and use your outdated version for too long, it can become even more expensive. The reason for this is the inadequate security standards that no longer exist due to the lack of patches and minor updates. It is therefore advisable to upgrade to a newer version, pay the regular but low costs and, in return, protect the website from attacks by hackers or compatibility problems.

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Get started with atlantis dx and TYPO3!

Are you looking for a reliable and competent partner who will support you in dealing with your CMS such as TYPO3 and provide you with advice and assistance? We at atlantis dx are at your side from the planning to the implementation of your project and are your experts for content management systems.

Do you have any further questions? We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you at any time!

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FAQs about TYPO3 Update

TYPO3 updates are released at regular intervals. They usually fix security gaps or small technical errors and are responsible for the smooth functioning of the CMS.

A distinction is made between minor and major updates. The former contain patches, are usually responsible for minor security updates and are released in regular cycles. Major updates usually involve visible changes - such as to the user interface in the backend - and are only released annually or every two years.

This varies from website to website. The installation of minor updates and patches generally takes no longer than one to two hours. A major update, on the other hand, is more extensive and therefore takes 20 hours or more.