Web applications

We create your web application. With our many years of experience in the design and development of web-based applications, we will find the right solution for you. Individual, efficient and tailored to your requirements.

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The advantage of web applications

The ubiquitous digitalization of society is also revolutionizing the world of work. The increasing use of smartphones, tablets and the mobile web means that employees can work in a completely different way than just a few years ago. This opens up many opportunities for companies, but they also need suitable ways and means to use the digital transformation to their advantage. This makes the use of web-based applications interesting for many operational areas. The versatile programs do not require time-consuming and cost-intensive stationary software installations. Instead of running on local computers, the applications run on a web server and are operated by the user via an internet browser.

The advantages are obvious: regardless of platform or operating system, they can be accessed from any Internet-enabled end device. A web application is easy to use, can be distributed and accessed as often as required and makes it possible to access functionalities and data anytime and anywhere. This creates real added value for companies.

Agile software development by our experts

Our software applications are developed using an agile approach in line with the process of digital transformation. Agile software development means moving away from the classic "specification, design, implementation" method. Instead, short planning and development phases alternate. The project is carried out in very close and direct cooperation with you, with the specification taking place successively during implementation. If requirements are initially unclear or change, we can react immediately and make the necessary adjustments. You get exactly the web application you need. This also gives you the greatest possible flexibility in the subsequent further development of your solution, a fully developed application and even saves you time and money in the end.

A web application from atlantis dx

We develop high-performance, high-quality applications for you based on the latest web technologies. In doing so, we focus precisely on your requirements and wishes and attach particular importance to secure and high-performance implementation. We and you benefit from the fact that the development of software applications has been one of our core competencies since the company was founded in 1994. Starting out as a provider of merchandise management systems, we have successfully designed, implemented and supported a large number of programs and applications over the years. At the same time, we have been successfully active in e-commerce for many years and have years of experience in the web.

The combination of these areas provides us with the ideal prerequisites to help you optimize your processes and implement attractive new business models with an individual web application.

  • Services
    Consulting, design, development, operation, support
  • Methods
    Our agile approach to development creates flexibility when requirements need to be expanded or change.
  • Interfaces
    Customization and development of interfaces for ERP, CRM, PIM, payment, logistics, etc.