TYPO3 Roadmap: Why version planning is so helpful!

Imagine you are setting up a website for your company. This must be planned in detail before publication - from a technical point of view as well as on an editorial and design level. With a content management system (CMS) such as TYPO3, content can be entered and updated in no time at all, even within complex websites.

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Definition TYPO3 Roadmap

Translated into German, "Roadmap" stands for the TYPO3 "roadmap". Within the TYPO3 community, this functions as a version plan. It is a kind of calendar that shows until when which versions of the CMS can be used without any problems.

If you use TYPO3 LTS, support, including function and security updates, is available for around six to seven years from release. If you are designing and creating a website from scratch, it is of course advisable to choose a current version of TYPO3. If you have a stable running system, it is better to stick with an older version. The roadmap provides a reliable overview of how long the older versions of the CMS will be provided with security updates and can therefore be used safely.

Here you can see the current TYPO3 roadmap. Users can see at a glance how long they can plan with their current version and when an upgrade to a newer version will be necessary.

TYPO3 CMS Development Roadmap

What is the difference between TYPO3 LTS and ELTS?

With free TYPO3, support for updates for each version is discontinued after a certain period of time. This confronts many website operators with challenges, as new versions often bring with them a changed user interface and are not immediately compatible with the corresponding website. To prevent exactly this problem, there is the so-called TYPO3 LTS - a free long-term support. This guarantees that the corresponding version can be used safely in all common browsers for a certain period of time with free updates.

The fee-based TYPO3 ELTS - Extended Long Term Support - extends this period again by a further three years. Due to the fact that the technology of the latest version is up to six years ahead of older editions, the TYPO3 ELTS offer serves more as security for the long-term operation of a website - but does not have to be necessary due to regular updates.

Why is the TYPO3 Roadmap useful?

TYPO3 is an open source software that is constantly being developed by its community and the TYPO3 Association. Newer versions bring new features, but may also bring new challenges and unfamiliar changes to which the respective website cannot be immediately adapted. With the help of the TYPO3 Roadmap, the design and development of your website can be planned reliably and far into the future. The CMS has a very committed community that invests a lot of passion in the development of new versions and creates the corresponding roadmap just as meticulously together with the Association. The dates given for support for the individual versions are binding. You should therefore check the conditions for LTS and ELTS versions at an early stage. This long-term planning security is particularly helpful for a major website relaunch. Due to the fixed version planning, this can be designed in peace and carried out at a favorable time.

Success with atlantis dx and TYPO3!

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Are you looking for a reliable, strong partner to support you in dealing with TYPO3 and the corresponding versions? As a TYPO3 agency, we at atlantis dx are at your side with help and advice during the planning and implementation of your project. Our goal and aspiration is to offer your customers an outstanding customer experience.

Do you have any further questions? We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you at any time.

FAQs on the TYPO3 Roadmap

The TYPO3 roadmap is the version planning for the CMS. This provides long-term information on how long which versions of TYPO3 can be supplied with security updates and used safely.

TYPO3 LTS (Long Term Support) offers its users free updates for a period of 3 years from release. With the fee-based TYPO3 ELTS (Extended Long Term Support), a version can be used securely for a further three years, i.e. a total of six years.

Thanks to TYPO3's roadmap, webmasters can plan the further development of their site well in advance. For example, an extensive relaunch can be scheduled in such a way that support through security updates is always guaranteed.